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HOW TO: Apply for CCAP

1. Select "CCAP Certification" from the login home page of the NCAP Member Portal.

2.  From the resulting dropdown menu, select "Apply for Certification".

3.  The next screen will ask you to select a certification.  Choose, "CCAP", which is the only certification available from which to select.

4.  At the Welcome page, click the correct option for either a GROUP enrollment or use the Apply button to start an individual enrollment.

5.  You will be guided through the remainder of the application process based on your responses to questions on the screens that follow. 

  • Note that anything with a red asterisk is a required field.  The system will not let you move forward with data in the field.
  • If you are required to upload documents, the system will provide you with a link and instructions.  In most cases, you are NOT required to upload documents.  For example, in regular applications, reference requests are emailed to your identified referral sources and they respond through a simple, online process.  No document upload is necessary

If you encounter any difficulty or need additional guidance, feel free to get in touch with us at CCAP@CommunityActionPartnership.com.


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