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HOW TO: Renew My Certification

HOW TO: Renew My CCAP Certification

Some processes in the portal will take longer for the system to work through than others.  Please allow time, after you click a submit or action button for the system to fully respond.  If, however, you have waited longer than 2 minutes and the portal is not responding, it may be necessary to log-out and log-in again.

Log into your account on the NCAP Member Portal.  If you have never used the portal before, you will likely need to create an account.

  1. From the CCAP Credential drop down menu, select, "Renew My Certification".
  2. Click the radio button beside "CCAP".
  3. Now click the Renew Button.  Note the Renew Button does not appear until you complete step 2 from above.
  4. A message at the top of the page will ask you to again identify which Certification you are renewing.  Click the radio button beside CCAP and read the Welcome page.  Push the CONTINUE button when you are ready to move forward.
  5. Read the Instructions page thoroughly.  Press CONTINUE when you are ready to move forward.
  6. Your contact and employer information will appear. Please take this time to fully update your record in the NCAP Portal.  Remember, you can SAVE & CONTINUE, or, SAVE & EXIT (allowing you to return later to complete the application.)
  7. Select and fill in the radio button beside the option that best describes your current employment status.  you can SAVE & CONTINUE, or, SAVE & EXIT.
  8. The next steps in the application process depend on how you responded to the Employment Status question and if you are renewing timely or late.  Follow the instructions provided on each page.  When an application page does not apply to you, you will automatically skip to the next applicable page in your process. 
  9. Some renewal applicants will need to upload documents.  Instructions on each page are provided.  Simply press the UPLOAD document command(s), navigate to the folder containing your document, and select the document to begin the upload process. 
  10. Some renewal applicants will be asked to enter the name and email address of the hiring authority for their position.  In this case, document uploads are not required. 
  11. The Code of Ethics part of the application requires you to click each radio button AND initial each box. 
  12. On the Review and Confirm page, anything missing from your application will be specifically identified for you.  If you were asked to enter the name and email address for your hiring authority, that information will also appear on the page.  You are not MISSING information unless the system specifically identifies something as missing or incomplete.  When your application is complete, press PROCESS AND PAY.
   Core Version: